Our Blog

Save Precious Water for your Trees

Save Precious Water for your Trees

O.K., we have had enough of this drought already! We at Greene Tree Care are going to have to resort to doing rain dances soon.  Like all Californian’s we are hoping, no, praying for El Nino to perform as expected this season. Our trees are suffering terribly. California native Oak trees in both urban and […]

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Tree Removals ~ Eucalyptus Shallow Root Danger

Tree Removals ~ Eucalyptus Shallow Root Danger

If you remove a Euc as we call them here at Greene Tree Care for whatever reason, be sure to have the root system thoroughly ground out as it will rejuvenate rather rapidly and you will have to repeat the whole process again. Eucs are survivors! They are native to Australia, but have adapted to […]

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Trees need TLC in this drought

Trees need TLC in this drought

  Trees need some help during a severe drought like the one we are experiencing in Southern California. Long term dry conditions can be detrimental to the health of both young and established trees. Even very old trees are not immune to lack of water. Water under the drip line which is where the foliage […]

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Let Us Make a Difference

Let Us Make a Difference

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 Plant Trees! This is one thing we can all do.  One of our employees, Kevin sent me  this information about a young boy who has a worthwhile goal to plant a trillion trees by the year 2020. Check out this website for more information http://www.plant-for-the-planet.org/en

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California’s Thriving Illegal Underground Economy

California’s Thriving Illegal Underground Economy

Sunday, May 20, 2012 Tree trimming is a dangerous job. Worker’s comp insurance is very costly in CA which has created a thriving shadowy trade in which unlicensed tree businesses or individuals are able to undercut legitimate companies by charging way less. These people are breaking the law and putting you at risk. If they […]

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Why Topping Trees Destroys the Aesthetics and Structure of Trees

Why Topping Trees Destroys the Aesthetics and Structure of Trees

Saturday, June 2, 2012 Because we are in the tree business and obviously care about trees, it annoys us intensely when we see trees which have been ruined by topping. Topped trees have had their top branches sawed off, leaving stumps. I would guess that the average home owner would never elect to have their […]

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What Kind of Trees Have Roots That Damage a Side Walk?

What Kind of Trees Have Roots That Damage a Side Walk?

Any tree’s root structure can do damage to walks if the structure poses a barrier to the plant’s survival. In addition to providing support for a growing leaf canopy, aging trees must compensate for depletion of nutrients directly underneath the tree, so they grow new roots outward near the surface of the soil to find […]

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City of Los Angeles- Planting 100 Trees in Honor of Arbor Day and Earth Month

City of Los Angeles- Planting 100 Trees in Honor of Arbor Day and Earth Month

Saturday, April 28, 2012 Today we woke up early and went to The Home Depot on Figuroa Street, where we jointed up with other tree planting volunteers. We had fun planting Southern Redwoods along the sidewalk of a concrete jungle.  This is part of MTLA which stands for Million Trees Los Angeles. LA is committed […]

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